Up and coming information!

Summer is here, and we have some up and coming information for you!

We have redone our navigation at 100K Investing, LLC, and have recreated our financial information section.

We have included information about Self-Directed IRAs (SDIRAs), as well as SoloKs. These options that have some similarities, in regards to your investing options, but also, distinct differences. The most distinct difference being the SoloK is primarily available if you own your own business, and the only full-time employees are yourself and spouse; SDIRAs are open to anyone.

We will be looking at having a series of monthly workshops throughout Spokane County, to help educate the community about these options. In addition, we will be looking at holding a series of webinars, to provide information to people outside of our local community, to help open up the opportunity for them to learn about investment options.

Please note: at no time, during these workshops, will deals of any sort–businesses or real estate–be offered. These workshops will only provide information, to help you with performing your due diligence.